You’ve just had knee replacement surgery and the good news is that you’re well on your way to a normal, active lifestyle. Just as important as the surgery itself is the physical therapy that follows. At The Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Center, our skilled staff will guide you on your journey to recovery, working with you on targeted exercises that will help ease the pain and swelling, and restore function.
Depending on your condition and doctor’s orders, physical therapy for knee replacement often starts shortly after the surgery itself, in the hospital setting. The goal is to return you to activity as quickly as possible. You might begin with simple exercises such as ankle pumps, leg lifts, and knee bends. Most often you will get up and out of bed with the assistance of a walker or crutches — with the goal of doing some walking.
Typically, most patients are discharged after a couple of days and are sent to a rehabilitation center or to their homes. Regardless, regular physical therapy sessions remain an essential part of knee replacement recovery.
During the first appointment, our therapist will do a check of your new joint and how well it moves. Then, working with the doctor's recommendations, our staff will develop a customized treatment plan to meet three main goals: to improve your range of motion, to strengthen the muscles, and to return you to a normal lifestyle, while addressing your specific goals.
With a new knee, you will learn techniques for everyday tasks, such as getting in and out of a car, and climbing stairs. You may also have a session with an occupational therapist, who will teach you such things as how to get into a bath or shower, or even put on socks and shoes.
At The Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Center, we’re dedicated to providing the highest quality of skilled and compassionate rehabilitative care. For more information on our office and the many services that we provide, give us a call today.
By Nevada Rehabilitation Centers
December 23, 2020