Have you tried supplements, pain medications, and other treatments for knee pain, stiffness, and swelling to no avail, and surgery seems like the only possible solution? Don’t despair; today, there’s another option in care! At Nevada Rehab Centers, we offer the leading non-surgical treatment methods to provide knee pain sufferers an effective, non-invasive, and drug-free alternative.
Let’s face it: knees debilitated by degenerative joint disease, osteoarthritis, or other damage can make even the most basic activities of daily living challenging and painful. You may wake up and start the day with knee pain, experience joint stiffness, inflammation, and, in some cases, burning, popping, or tingling discomfort. Above all, you might find yourself relying on pain medications and other drugs to experience enough relief to get through the day.
At Nevada Rehab Centers, our goal is to help patients experience freedom from pain and achieve optimal mobility, strength, and range of motion. Before considering more invasive options in care, including knee replacement surgery, we invite you to consult our office to hear more about the leading solutions we offer for troubled knees, including Knee On Trac, Laser Therapy, and PEMF therapy.
Knee On Trac from Ergo-Flex offers a safe, effective, and non-surgical option for individuals with debilitating knee issues or have been informed knee replacement is the only option.
While seated comfortably with the affected leg extended, this innovative, stand-alone knee traction device applies gentle static and intermittent traction to decompress and stretch your knee.
Knee On Trac gently reopens the joint space between the thigh bone and the shin to re- establish some of the natural joint space while allowing nutrient-rich fluids that support healing to seep back into the area. As the device’s light traction painlessly decompresses the knee joint and stretches the tissues around it, Knee On Trac helps to alleviate discomfort and support an improved range of motion and mobility.
Even after just one five-minute treatment, many people suffering with chronic knee pain report feeling better. Knee On Trac can be used as a stand-alone therapy or in conjunction with other treatment modalities we offer.
With cold laser therapy, sometimes called low-level laser therapy (LLLT), our office can provide another effective, painless, and non-surgical option to promote tissue repair and tissue regeneration while alleviating the discomfort and reducing the inflammation associated with troublesome knees.
Cold laser therapy works via a process known as photobiomodulation. As specific wavelengths of light get applied to a problematic area and absorbed into the targeted tissues, they catalyze reactions at the cellular level that stimulate the production of ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate)—optimizing cellular metabolism, cellular function, and overall cellular health. The value of this therapeutic modality lies in its ability to ramp up energy production and reduce oxidative stress. Cold laser therapy facilitates a controlled inflammatory response and promotes an environment conducive to tissue repair and regeneration.
Treatment with a cold laser is completely noninvasive and painless.
During the procedure, you’ll feel the device against your skin, but the device creates no heat, sound, or vibration. Treatment sessions are short and typically only taking a few minutes. Plus, there’s generally little to no recovery or downtime.
However, depending on the extent of knee damage, it may take several visits to experience significant relief. Although effective on its own, laser therapy is sometimes performed in conjunction with other treatment modalities for optimal results.
Offering a completely safe, drug-free, and noninvasive method of care, PEMF therapy (pulsed electromagnetic fields) helps to mitigate pain and alleviate dysfunction, including muscle weakness, sluggish fracture healing, and arthritic or musculature discomfort. As approved by the FDA, this remarkable technology sends pulses of magnetic energy to stimulate repair at the cellular level in support of healing, pain relief, and reducing inflammation.
PEMF therapy promotes the body’s natural ability to recover by stimulating cell metabolism, increasing circulation, enhancing muscle function, and decreasing inflammation as well as pain. When used to provide relief from chronic pain, PEMF therapy not only restores the cells’ ability to operate more efficiently but also reduces the body’s perception of pain. Demonstrated to alleviate muscle & joint pain as well as the discomfort associated with arthritis, and more, PEMF therapy can also be used in conjunction with other treatments to enhance the benefits of care.