The role exercise plays in our health and wellness simply cannot be overstated. At a time when advances in medicine and technology are often sought as the answer to our physical and emotional conditions, the physical therapist at Nevada Rehabilitation Centers takes a more holistic approach by engaging our clients in the many benefits that are to be found in simply starting an exercise routine and then sticking with it.
At our clean, modern facility, our licensed, certified physical therapist works with our clients and their doctors to evaluate the physical abilities and challenges each person faces, and design an exercise program that is customized to their specific needs. If there is pain resulting from a medical condition or an injury, we address that with natural methods including ultrasound and hot and cold therapies. We then provide one-on-one training to gradually introduce exercises targeted at increasing mobility, flexibility, strength, and aerobic capacity. Each client’s program is carefully monitored to ensure that they are progressing at a pace that is optimal for them. And when they leave our care, each person takes with them a blueprint for maintaining their fitness level in the future.
Among the many benefits of having a regular exercise routine are: Improvements in mood; more energy; better sleep; weight control; combating diseases like high blood pressure, diabetes and arthritis; and providing relief from depression and anxiety. An exercise routine can have social benefits, for those who join a gym, a dance class, walking/hiking group, or a sports league. And, of course, having more energy can add some zest to your sex life!
No matter your age, fitness level, or athletic ability, adding a regular exercise program under the care of the physical therapist at Nevada Rehabilitation Centers can have inspiring, life-changing results that heals and energizes your body and mind naturally. Please contact our office today to arrange a consultation.
By Nevada Rehabilitation Centers
March 28, 2022